The Core

A centuries old mercenary organisation based in Talas-Ka, the Core is renowned for the skill and brutality of its soldiers, who are the most elite in the Ilk. The Core specialises in infiltration, fast response military operations, subterfuge, assassinations and the internal defence of the Hydrass clan. Gunther, the ogre who leads the Core is closely connected to the Hydrass clan, however the Core will hire their mercenaries to anyone who can afford them. Operations can range from simple body guarding, to hostile take overs initiated by rival merchants.

The core was established 150 years ago, shortly after the second domain war. After the Hydrass clan claimed victory and instituted a complete deconstruction of the military power of the western realm, the vast armies of the east were largely disbanded and most of the soldiers returned to work in the factories and mills of the Ilk's industrial cities. However, some had gained a taste for battle and were less than willing to exchange their weapons for tools. One enterprising lieutenant struck a deal with the Hydrass clan and employed a small pack of the most skilled and bloodthirsty veterans he could find. In exchange for providing the clan with an elite division of shock troops, the officer was granted permission to hire out his mercenaries to any who would afford them.

Over the years the Core grew, and became renowned for the skill of its members. It has held many security contracts for rich merchants and often works alongside the standing army in the various operations.

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